One of their engagement pictures
First Dance
Leaving the reception
After their wedding, Micah and I continued to visit family and I also spent a significant amount of time cleaning out my room at my mom's house as she will be moving soon.
In the midst of all my cleaning, I came across some very interesting stuff. Old books, notes from friends, every piece of school work I've done since preschool (I'm not exaggerating...this collection includes high school and college and only excludes dental school). Most interesting of all was a book "series" I wrote when I was 10 (or should I say "siris" because that's how I spelled it). I wrote literally hundreds of pages in my 2 volume book series detailing the trials, tribulations, and joyous times of a 6th grade gymnast, Katiana Alverado (although I spelled her last name slightly differently every time: Averado, Averlrado, Avereado, Alveareado, etc.). These books include chapters with very amusing titles, and an "about the author and 'illistrator'" section.
Micah was highly amused upon reading these books and seemed to think that my attitude and writing style haven't changed very much in the past 13 years. Here are a few exerpts from my books:
Book 1-Katiana's Troublesome Birthday
Chapter 1: Dentist
"Katiana come down stairs! We're gonna be late to the dentist." That was my mom calling me. I was putting on my bow. I was about to go to the dentist to get some braces on my teeth. I couldn't wait!!!!
Me? I'm Katiana Averotto. I live in San Francisco, California. I just moved from New York City 6 months ago. I really miss New York and my friends there. But I have alot of friends. I go to Palm Junior High. I'm in 6th grade and 11 years old. I have 3 best friends and we all go to Palm Junior High (PJH). My 3 best friends are Jennifer Kater, who is not agreat student but adores soccer, Clarissa Grant who is a math whiz and when it comes to clothes she has style with a capital "S", and my other best friend is Amy Smith who is in love with sports and unlike Clarrisa, doesn't care about clothes. Her "uniform" is usually a Tshirt and a pair of comfortable shorts. I love art and gymnastics (I even have this shirt that says Gymnastics is life THE REST IS JUST DETAILS). I'm pretty good at art but I don't take lessons. Together Clarissa, Amy and Jennifer and I make a great team. But don't think we're one of those goofy cliques who only hangs around each other. We hang around other kids but everyone knows we're best friends.
My sister's name is Tanya. She (you have to admit) is a very lame student (for a 15 year old).
I looked at the reflection of myself with my pink and wight poka dotted bow and my pink bathing suit and my white shorts with pink socks and white suede button up shoes.
"Come on!" Called Tonya.
"Okay," I said.
We drove to the dentist.
"Come on Katiana. We have a lot of work to do." Dr. Simon (my dentist) said. He took me to the "braces room." It would have suited Clarissa beautifuly- but not me- nope I prefer solid colors. This room was kind of weird. At least I thought it was.
Dr. Simons said, "Ok now Katiana hold still. This might take up to 2 hours."
"Oh great," I thought sarcastically.
Dr. Simons put my braces on. I read for awile. Then I got tired of that so I braided my curly, blonde hair.
Soon my yellow and green braces were on my teeth. I smiled.
Chapter 2- Tanya: Traitor
I walked up too my locker and pulled out my math stuff. Then I slammed my locker door shut. I heard some shuffling in my locker. I knew it was my poster of NYC (New York City) falling off my locker door. See, at PJH we can't have tape in our lockers so we use chewed up gum (OK, it sounds gross but its not really). I replaced my old gym with some sticky tack I just round on the floor.
See, Clarissa and I are extra best friends and Jennifer and Amy are extra best friends. So Clarissa and I usually find each other before we found Jenn and Amy so we said "Hi" as usual and found Amy and Jennifer talking to one of the science teachers (they are in mostly the same classes all day so sometimes I think some people have all the luck). Mr. Sizeiemore was saying "Amy you have been acting in a very sly manner lately, what's it all about?"
"I don't know," Amy said.
"And Jenice," (that's her real name we just call her Jennifer), "you are usually so well behaved. I'm sorry girls, but you are going to have a severe punishment which is going to be a call home."
After that Mr. Siziemore went to the teacher's room. Clarissa and I ran to Amy and Jennifer.
"What happened?" Amy was tearieyed and so was Jenn.
"Cory Fowls found out about my strike out at last night's softball game. And he started a rumor that I did it because Mr. Sizimore has a dauter who is on my team and Mr. Sizimore gave me a C on my report card and the rumor spread to Mr. S"
"Well how did Jennifer get involved?"
"Oh I just kiked someone who told me the rumor. Oh Katiana your braces look great!"
.....And scene. In a later scene at gymnastics, Katiana gets angry at her sister's seemingly disloyal behavior:
That night I took a shower and went to bed but I coudln't sleep I could only think about: Tonya Tonya Tonya. I even made a poem about her:
Tonya a trator.
Tonya we hater.
Traitor Traitor.
Tonya we hater.
Can we say dramatic?? My second book, which seems to be lacking a title, is filled with more dramatic inciences such as that one. I also seemed to be VERY fashion conscious as a youngster as exemplified by the following exerpts:
A note writted by the protagonist to her friend Jennifer:
Dear Jennifer,
Wuz happenin'? Don't you think Alexandra is a jerk? Check out her purple and green carpender boots....
Jennifer's reply:
Sorry that my paper is so ripped up. I tore it out of my spiral. Alex needs a fashion check up to her neck up. Those boots are craayyyyyy-Z. Purple green checked tights don't go with a yellow vynal skirt. That skirt is against dress code! It's toooooo short! And that matchin' vest over that silver sequined shirt is tottally pathetic! She looks like a model from a BAAAADDD fashen 'zine!
P.S. Tell Alexandra to lose the red beret.